Old woman profiled on WHO’s website

Old woman profiled on WHO’s website

ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

Saadet Berna, 94, is physically and mentally healthy, fit and dynamic. AA photo

The World Health Organization (WHO) has shared the inspirational personal story of 94-year-old Saadet Berna on its website.

Prof. Dr. Şengül Hablemitoğlu and Prof. Dr. Emine Özmete, of Ankara University’s Center of Aging Studies, interviewed Berna. “When Saadet Berna opened the door to her home in Ankara, we were immediately impressed by this cosy and warm place with orange curtains and a large library. Her computer was lit. We knew that when at home she usually spends her time working at the computer,” their piece reads.

“With blue eyes beaming, and hair neatly parted in the middle, she welcomed us with surprising energy and enthusiasm. Her nails were polished a cute green color and her clothing was elegant. Finding her at home is normally not so easy, as she is often at social gatherings or conferences organized by various institutions.” Born in the city of Eskişehir in 1918, the piece says that Berna is both physically and mentally healthy, fit and dynamic. Her bright eyes exude rays of intelligence and creativity. She has purposeful dreams for the future and concerns for the society she lives in.

Berna is currently an advisor and auditor of the Turkish Atlantic Council, and has also been involved in program development activities and the writing of textbooks with the he Ministry of National Education.