North Cyprus to go to early polls in January

North Cyprus to go to early polls in January


All political parties in Turkish Cyprus have come to a mutual agreement to hold an early election on Jan. 22, 2022, according to a statement released on Nov. 8 by North Cyprus’ Parliament Press Office.

“The chairmen of six political parties gathered in a meeting held by Parliament Speaker Önder Sennaroğlu and took the decision,” it said.

Also, “a decision to form a committee that will work on the changes on the election law has been taken.”

Turkish Cypriot President Ersin Tatar approved a new coalition government cabinet on Nov. 5.

The coalition government of the National Unity Party (UBP) and the Democrat Party (DP) was formed under the chairmanship of Faiz Sucuoğlu, the head of the UBP.

In his first statement after the announcement, Sucuoğlu signaled early elections in January.

“I guess there will be an election in January, the exact date will be determined in the coming days. If there will be no problem in terms of passing the budget, Jan. 9 is our choice. All parties agree on early elections in January,” he said late Nov. 5.