No L.A. sex charges for Spacey, Seagal, Anderson

No L.A. sex charges for Spacey, Seagal, Anderson


The Los Angeles District Attorney's office said on Sept. 4 it would not prosecute actor Kevin Spacey on a 1992 sexual assault accusation because it fell outside the California statute of limitations.

The District Attorney's office also said it would not charge actor Steven Seagal and television comedy star Anthony Anderson over two other sexual assault accusations.

The 1993 accusations against action star Seagal fell outside the statute of limitations, while Anderson's accuser declined to be interviewed and prosecution was declined due to lack of evidence, the office said.

The Spacey case, involving an adult male, was presented to Los Angeles prosecutors in April and had been under review. The nature and origin of the accusation were not disclosed.

The District Attorney's office said in a charge evaluation sheet released that the allegation was outside the statue of limitations and that prosecution had been declined.

Spacey became embroiled in controversy in 2017 when actor Anthony Rapp accused him of trying to seduce him in 1986 when Rapp was 14.

He apologized for any inappropriate conduct with Rapp but has not commented since and has stepped away from public life.

The Los Angeles District Attorney's office said in August that it was reviewing a second sexual assault accusation against Spacey, but declined to give details. The case is still under review.