NGOs to get international support for gender equality

NGOs to get international support for gender equality


The European Union and U.N. Women are set to provide financial and technical support to 22 civil society organizations in Turkey with an aim to advance women’s rights and gender equality in the country.

Representatives of organizations from 17 province across the country came together for an award ceremony in Ankara with the participation of U.N. Women and EU senior officials.

Speaking at the award ceremony, Asya Varbanova, U.N. Women Turkey country director, said the women’s movement and women’s civil society organizations were the pioneers of significant change at both national and international levels.

Stressing civil society’s seminal role in creating equal societies by supporting women’s leadership, agency and voices, Varbanova noted that women’s civil society organizations were among the most strategic partners of U.N. Women.

“We will continue supporting civil society organizations,” she said.

On her part, Eleftheria Pertzinidou, deputy head of the European Union Delegation to Turkey, said the project focuses on key priorities to advance women’s rights, such as promoting the economic, social and political empowerment of women and girls as well as combating gender-based violence.

“It also has the added value of strengthening the dialogue between public institutions and civil society organizations,” she added.

U.N. Women, in partnership with the Flying Broom Foundation, Foundation for Solidarity with Women (KADAV), KAMER Foundation, and the Turkish Women Union, will implement joint projects on ending violence against women and girls and women’s access to justice and human rights mechanisms.

The U.N. will also support 18 women’s organizations and women-led civil society organizations through small grants.