New venue of presidential orchestra opens season

CSO Ada Ankara, which is the new building of the Presidential Symphony Orchestra and is expected to be one of the few music centers in the world, will host many different music genres in September, bringing world-famous names to the stage.
It will welcome art lovers in the CSO Main Hall with a capacity of 2,023 seats and the Blue Hall with a capacity of 517 seats.
The new season will open at CSO Ada Ankara on Sept. 7 with the world-famous pianist Simon Ghraichy and will continue with the concerts of the Presidential Symphony Orchestra on Sept. 10, 17 and 24.
Within the scope of the Blue Hall Series, the “narrated concerts” series, which has been adopted as an effective method of introducing classical music to large audiences in recent years, will also be held twice a month in the 2021-2022 season.
Music researcher and writer Serhan Bali will be the narrator in these concerts. The first guest of Bali will be pianist Can Çakmur on Sept. 15, and the second concert on Sept. 30 will present Can Özhan and pianist Çağdaş Özkan.
Following the “Carmina Burana” concert by the State Polyphonic Choir on Sept. 18, CSO Ada Ankara will host Dolapdere Big Gang on Sept. 20, Karsu on Sept. 22 and Murat Cangal Trio Pulsus concerts on Sept. 28.