New Series hosts Esbjerg Ensemble

New Series hosts Esbjerg Ensemble

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
The Esbjerg Ensemble performs classical chamber music at the highest artistic level and is recognized for its innovative and versatile program. The ensemble presently consists of 11 harmonious and expressive musicians from all around the world all specifically chosen for their very unique qualities, divided into a woodwind quintet, a string quartet, piano and percussion. The ensemble excels in classical chamber music from the baroque to the romantic period via the Wiener classics but is to a great extent known for its stylistically consistent interpretation of modern works. As such, the Esbjerg Ensemble is often the natural choice when contemporary composers are seeking ensembles to premiere or record newly written compositions. The ensemble’s musicians have enchanted a large local, national and international audience with outstanding performances of solo works, music written for a large ensemble, as well as works for smaller ensembles. Central to the ensemble’s arrangement and development of the classical chamber music tradition are the seasonal concerts where the ensemble presents itself to a large and loyal local audience. Chamber music lovers in the rest of Denmark can also experience the ensemble live when they tour or when the radio stations of Danmarks Radio regularly transmit their performances directly from Esbjerg.