New printings of Turkish lira banknotes set for release

New printings of Turkish lira banknotes set for release


Newly printed 200 Turkish lira and 10 Turkish lira banknotes will go into circulation on July 16, ahead of next week’s Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of the Sacrifice, said an official announcement.

Compared to earlier versions now in circulation, the new notes will include Governor Şahap Kavcıoğlu’s and Deputy Governor Emrah Şener’s signatures, the Turkish Central Bank announced on July 14. 

Except for that change, the new banknotes will be identical to earlier versions in terms of their dimensions, front and back compositions, and general features and appearance.

Earlier versions of the banknotes will remain in circulation. An announcement regarding new issuances of 50 Turkish lira, 20 lira, and 5 lira banknotes will be made at a later date.