Neda İsmail Atar at Dirimart

Neda İsmail Atar at Dirimart

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
Dirimart will host Neda İsmail Atar’s exhibition “Industrial Form” between Oct. 18 and Nov. 17. The series displayed in “Industrial Form” reflects the technological side of our lives, which according to Atar symbolizes the contemporary world. The artist emphasizes the fact that mass-produced objects that are planned and brought to use, reach consumers worldwide creating an abundance that is actually an object bombardment that surrounds men. Atar bases his works on the notion of industry, which shapes today’s modern world and that of the previous century as well. Through his work the artist points out the inevitable effects that the objects that shape life and social values have on art in general and sculpture in particular. An exhibition titled “Three Generations of Contemporary Turkish Art” presents two works by the International Plastic Artists Association (IAA) member Turkish artist Ayşegül Yeşilnil at Istanbul’s UPSD Art Gallery. The exhibition will continue until Nov. 11.