Nature begins to revive after fires in Turkey’s Marmaris

Nature begins to revive after fires in Turkey’s Marmaris


Ecological life has begun to revive in the areas damaged by fires in Turkey’s southwestern Muğla province.

Biologist Yasin Ilemin, a wildlife expert, photographed the greening of burnt areas in Marmaris district and the birds starting to return to the region.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Ilemin, who is also a lecturer at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, said he was researching in the field to investigate the impact of fire on wildlife.

Explaining that he saw some areas become green again during this examination, Ilemin said he began hearing bird sounds in the region.

Noting that he also photographed the natural beauty while doing research, he added: "The greening of the burnt areas also made animals living in this area happy."

Ilemin, who shared the photos he took on his social media account with the message "I have good news for you,” also conveyed his observations to his followers.

Noting that almost three weeks have passed since the fires, he made the following statements in his post:

“The maquis species, especially vitex [agnus-castus], Indian sandalwood, shoots out from under the ground and turns green again. There are pinus brutia seeds naturally spread around. They are waiting impatiently for the first rains.”

“The General Directorate of Forestry will leave most of the places in their natural state and, if necessary, afforest them with minimal intervention. Look, what happens when burned forests and trees are left untouched?”

Turkey saw hundreds of forest fires erupt in its southern and southwestern provinces from July 28.

With intensive and dedicated efforts, all of the blazes were brought under control in just over two weeks.

At least eight deaths were reported, according to official figures.