Names of God works in contemporary art

Names of God works in contemporary art

ISTANBUL - Anadolu Agency

Art works feature a combination of contemporary with Esma ül-Hüsna. AA photo

One of the first contemporary exhibitions of art devoted to the 99 names of God (Esma ül-Hüsna) will open today at Yıldız Palace with works by Fatma Zeynep Çelik.

Curated by Ali Serim, Çilek’s works feature a combination of contemporary art with Esma ül-Hüsna drawings.

There will be total of 33 works at the exhibition, according to a written statement from the palace. There will be also a digital art exhibition of Çelik’s works at

Çilek said the name of the exhibition was “Huu,” adding that she had tried to create a new take on Esma ül-Hüsna. “Until now everyone has reflected the names of God in calligraphy.