Music festival tickets released

Music festival tickets released

ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

Violinist Anne-Sophie Muter will be one of the guests of the event.

Tickets for the 40th Istanbul Music Festival will be available beginning Feb. 4.

According to a statement from the Istanbul Arts and Culture Foundation (İKSV), the festival will start May 31 and continue through June 29 under the sponsorship of Borusan Holding. The festival will host more than 750 foreign and local musicians and will also contain two world and three Turkey premiers.

It is expected the program will contain symphonies, chamber orchestras and vocal concerts. The festival will feature 23 concerts this year.

Tickets will be available at and İKSV booths. Prices will range from 30 to 400 Turkish Liras.

Contemporary music
The festival will continue to contribute to the contemporary music repertory with its commissions to two world-renowned composers, pianist Fazıl Say and one of most valuable composers of Georgia, Giya Kancheli. Both will have the world premieres of their new works included within the scope of the festival.

The concerts will be held in eight different venues including the Hagia Irene Museum, which has hosted the festival for the last 40 years, the Haliç Congress Center, the Lütfi Kırdar International Convention and Exhibition Center, the Süreyya Opera House, Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall, the Istanbul University Rectorate Building, the Istanbul Archaeological Museum and the garden of the Netherlands Consulate General.