MÜSİAD supports presidential system to avoid ‘chaos of powers’

MÜSİAD supports presidential system to avoid ‘chaos of powers’


Independent Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (MÜSİAD) Chairman Nail Olpak speaks during a meeting in Kastamonu June 22. AA Photo

The head of one of Turkey’s leading business organizations has urged a deep systemic change that will cure “problems in the separation of powers,” saying the current parliamentary system leads to a “chaos of powers” rather than a “separation of powers.”

“A number of issues regarding the separation of powers, including Parliament’s control and authority, as well as justice and speed-related problems in the judiciary, should be reviewed. A new, human-focused system that our nation deserves should be urgently put in place,” Independent Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (MÜSİAD) Chairman Nail Olpak told a meeting in the Black Sea province of Kastamonu on June 21.

Olpak recommended a presidential system as a cure for these perceived problems.

Although the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has yet to disclose its nominee for the August presidential election, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is widely expected to announce his candidacy at the end of June. His remarks vowing to be a “strong president” and his known sympathy for the presidential regime has triggered questions about whether the country will shift away from the parliamentary system in the event of Erdoğan becoming president.

“Whatever the name of this new system, not expressing and implementing it would mean nothing other than postponing our problems and blocking our country’s future path,” Olpak also said.

He added that MÜSİAD did not foresee the possibility of crisis after the election, but does think the issue will become the top item on Turkey’s agenda.

“When looked at from the business perspective, we think our country expects from us more investments, more employment, and a greater contribution to our country’s social improvement. In order to realize these things, our expectations are peace, trust, the continuation of stability, and a fast and just legal system,” Olpak said.