More than 800 artifacts seized in anti-smuggling raids

More than 800 artifacts seized in anti-smuggling raids

ANKARA- Anadolu Agency
More than 800 artifacts seized in anti-smuggling raidsMore than 800 artifacts seized in anti-smuggling raids

At least 866 historical artifacts were seized in anti-smuggling operations across Turkey on March 19. 

Gendarmes detained five people in the Çınar district of southeastern Diyarbakır province who were trying to sell the artifacts. During a raid, 160 artifacts, including coins, rings and spearheads, were recovered and transferred to the provincial museum directorate.

In the northeastern province of Ardahan, 515 artifacts were seized by gendarmes from a vehicle stopped on the motorway. The driver of the vehicle was arrested.

In the northwestern Bursa province, 191 artifacts from Hellenistic and Medieval Ages were confiscated. At least five people were arrested by gendarmes over the smuggling attempt.