More than 1,200 artifacts captured in luggage in Istanbul

More than 1,200 artifacts captured in luggage in Istanbul

ISTANBUL – Doğan News Agency

DHA Photo

Some 1,200 historical artifacts were captured in luggage after police’s suspicions were raised in Istanbul’s Fatih district on Sept. 3.

The artifacts, which included golden coins, crucifixes, statues, bracelets, necklaces and precious stones, were confiscated by squads belonging to the Safety Teams Branch Office.

While out on routine patrol, officers became suspicious of five people and stopped them to search luggage they were carrying. Some 140 golden coins, seven crucifixes, two bracelets, two statues, and numerous necklaces and precious stones were found among the 1,200 artifacts.

The suspects were detained immediately and taken to Istanbul’s Beyazıt Police Station for questioning, during which they allegedly confessed that they had brought the artifacts from East Anatolia to turn them in for cash.