MİT neutralizes PKK member sought with red notice

MİT neutralizes PKK member sought with red notice


A senior PKK member sought with red notice has been neutralized by the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MİT) in a surgical attack with an armed drone in northern Syria, local media has reported.

Mehmet Gürbüz, codenamed “Rojhat Karakoçan,” was killed along with four other terrorists near him in Ayn Issa, a town in the Tell Abyad district of Raqqa governorate.

He was responsible for the terrorist organization’s acts in Ayn Issa, Ayn al-Arab, Raqqa and Menbic.

The local media did not specify the exact date of the operation toward the terrorist sought by Interpol since 2018.

According to the daily Milliyet, the increasing number of surgical attacks on the hiding PKK members in northern Iraq and Syria has “caused panic” in the terrorist organization.

“The PKK, which has lost many senior members, has banned his followers from using smartphones in order not to be tracked,” the daily reported on Sept. 18.