Ministry takes action to prevent waste at hotels with open buffets

Ministry takes action to prevent waste at hotels with open buffets


In a bid to further its efforts in combating food waste and promoting food sustainability, the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry has launched an initiative to examine the impact of the open buffet serving system at hotels on food waste.

Authorities will draft a written report after scrutinizing a number of potential reasons that possibly result in food waste at hotels within the scope of the initiative.

This examination will address several factors, including menu design, inventory management, improper cooking techniques, inability to adjust portion sizes, using food items as décor, and using plates that are too large to accommodate customers' actual needs.

The methods used by chefs and the staff's understanding and awareness of food waste will also be examined in this context.

Following this step, authorities will further proceed with identifying a plan of action for preventing food waste based on the written report.

Efforts to enhance consumer understanding and awareness of the topic are expected to gain momentum during this time, shedding light on the reasons and remedies for waste.

Studies indicate that one-third of the food produced worldwide is wasted annually, with collective consumption establishments like hotels and restaurants accounting for 40 percent of this loss. Based on estimations, one-third of the food lost could feed one out of nine people who face hunger worldwide.

As Türkiye is estimated to contribute to this dissipation by squandering over 18 million tons of food annually, the ministry initiated another project in 2020 to raise awareness about food loss and waste.

The legislative modifications made within the scope of this project rendered it possible for food waste that is disposed of in establishments like hotels, restaurants and cafeterias to be converted into animal feed.