Ministry advises pepper gas against wild animal attacks

Bear attacks can be prevented with pepper gas, according to the ministry.
Responding to a parliamentary question, the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs has listed pepper gas as a measure of defense against attacks by wild animals such as bears and wolves.A citizen named Ahmet Yıldız, who killed a bear in 2011 after it attacked him and his honeycombs, was fined 18,000 Turkish Liras for the bear’s death. The fee for killing a bear was increased to 19,000 liras in 2012. The ministry believes that if people take measures advised by them they will not have to kill bears in self defense and face steep fines.
The ministry also asked citizens to not traverse places where wild animals live alone. “Walk by making sounds, such as whistling or shouting in order to prevent encounters with wild animals,” the ministry said in its list of advice to avoid animal attacks.
Republican People’s Party deputy Uğur Bayraktutan said that people had died in the Black Sea province of Artvin’s Ardanuç district because of wolf and bear attacks and asked the ministry for solutions.
Minister of Forestry and Water Affairs Veysel Eroğlu replied to the question in a statement where he explained that animals that had harmed people were killed. “When the ministry is informed about an animal attack, an investigation is conducted and citizens are informed about preventive measures. We also collaborate with NGOs and projects are implemented.”