Minister denies car put official convoy at risk

Minister denies car put official convoy at risk

ADANA - Doğan News Agency (DHA)

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Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin has denied reports that a suspicious vehicle put him at risk as he traveled in a motorcade in the southern province of Adana today.
Doğan news agency had reported that a suspicious vehicle pulled up next to Ergin's motorcade on the highway as he traveled to Adana's Ceyhan district to take part in the inauguration ceremony of a recently built court of justice.
Reports said the car tried to cut off Ergin's vehicle as police called on the vehicle’s occupants to pull over and stop. The car's driver instead sped up and tried to flee before flipping over at a highway exit ramp in the Hacı Sabancı Industrial Zone. Two suspects reportedly got out of the vehicle and fled the scene on foot.
Ergin later said during the ceremony in Ceyhan that he had no information on the incident and did not notice any suspicious cars around his vehicle during his trip. "I was informed of the incident after I arrived at the ceremony; I did not see any such vehicle," he said.
A large number of police teams, meanwhile, have been deployed in the area to find the suspects.

Car flips over after putting ministerial convoy at risk

Two suspects fled on foot today in the southern province of Adana after their car flipped over in the wake of an attempt to pull up alongside a vehicle transporting Turkey’s justice minister in a motorcade.
Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin was traveling to Adana's Ceyhan district to take part in the inauguration ceremony of a recently built court of justice. A suspicious vehicle pulled up next to Ergin's motorcade on the highway as it traveled to Ceyhan and allegedly put the minister's official vehicle at risk.
Police called on the suspicious vehicle to pull over and stop but the car's driver sped up and tried to flee. The speeding car then flipped over at a highway exit ramp in the Hacı Sabancı Industrial Zone. Two suspects reportedly got out of the vehicle and fled the scene on foot. 
A large number of police teams have been deployed in the area to find the suspects.