Mersin Music Fest closes with a diva

Mersin Music Fest closes with a diva

MERSİN - Hürriyet Daily News
Mersin Music Fest closes with a divaMersin Music Fest closes with a diva

US opera diva Michele Crider performed the closing concert of the Mersin Music Festival. AA photo

The 11th Mersin International Music Festival ended on May 19 with a concert by the U.S. opera world diva Michele Crider. She was accompanied by the Bilkent Symphonic Orchestra under the baton of Işın Metin.

The festival, which became internationally recognized in 2007 when it was accepted into the European Festivals Association (EFA), hosted 22 concerts between April 30 and May 18 under the art directorship of the former director general of the State Opera and Ballet Remzi Buharalı.

A total of 370 people performed in 11 different venues, presenting classical music concerts, chamber orchestra concerts, recitals and ballet and dance shows.

One of the highlights of the festival was Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis’ ballet “Zorba,” which made its Turkey premiere in Mersin after taking the stage in 35 countries.

Another highlight of the festival, Polish MozART Group, a comedy string quartet which took the stage in the city for the first time, combined their music capability with acting and performed a magnificent musical comedy at the festival.

Cristina Branco performed one of the most unforgettable concerts at the festival this year. Known as the “Queen of Fado,” she took the stage in Turkey for the first time within the scope of the Mersin Music Festival.