Memory of urban environment at show

Memory of urban environment at show

Sibel Horada’s first solo show, “Urban Wildfire” is hosted by Daire Gallery between June 7 and 30. “Fire Chronicles”, a process and interaction based accumulation to be assembled during the course of the show, will be presented with a finissage.

The show deals with fire as a moment of radical transformation and reconsiders the memory of our urban environment, unearthing instances of great fires and migrations. Employing archival material, oral history and archeology of the recent past, the artist aims to draw a nomadic narrative from the intermingled memories of cities, cultures and identities. The gallery space consists of two rooms. The first contains the installation, “Three Moves Equal One Fire.” The second serves as a study in which specific encounters enabled by the exhibition will be documented. The material that will accumulate in this room will form the basis for the event to be held on September 4.