Member of Gezi delegation that met PM Erdoğan briefly detained

Member of Gezi delegation that met PM Erdoğan briefly detained


The people detained by police earlier today in Taksim square included a member of the 11-person delegation who met with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan June 12 regarding the Gezi Park protests.

Rumeysa Kiger, who is also a contributor to daily Today's Zaman, was detained June 18 in the morning during a protest outside the Atatürk Cultural Center.

Kiger’s husband told Today’s Zaman that she had not gone to Taksim Square to join the protest, but had been passing through on her way to an interview. She was detained while objecting to the police's detention of protesters, he added.

Her husband said Kiger was released at 1:30 p.m., but it was still unclear if prosecutors would press charges against her, Today’s Zaman reported.

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