Mardin welcomes over 250 photographers for contest

The fifth National Photo Safari contest, organized around the theme of “Fairytale City of Mardin” in the eastern province, has featured over 1,000 photos taken by over 250 photographers.
During the three-day event in Mardin’s 10 districts, more than 250 photographers from different parts of Türkiye photographed every point of the city, known for its historical texture.
The competition was organized by the Mardin Governor’s Office and the municipality around the theme of “Fairytale City of Mardin.”
Bilal Eskioğlu took first place in the competition with the photo showing some shepherds with a horse standing around a small bonfire at night, backdropped by Mardin’s city lights.
The artists who acted as the jury in the competition, which aimed to introduce the city’s historical and touristic areas, life and culture, shared their experiences with photography enthusiasts.
“Our aim is to photograph the beauties of Mardin and share it with our country and the world, and to contribute to attract more tourists to our city,” Mardin Governor Mahmut Demirtaş said.
Mardin is known for its Artuqid architecture and strategic location on a rocky hill near the Tigris River that rises steeply over the flat plains.
The old town of the city is under the protection of UNESCO, which forbids new constructions to preserve its façade.