Macedonia happy with more Turkish investors

Macedonia happy with more Turkish investors

ISTANBUL - Anatolia News Agency

Regional economic issues made a mark on this year’s Eurasia summit. Macedonia says it is open for foreign investors with a sound banking system. DAILY NEWS photo

Many Turkish companies have decided to invest in Macedonia, Minister for Foreign Investment in Macedonia Bill Pavleski said during the Economy Forum within the scope of the 16th Eurasia Economy Summit in Istanbul on April 10.

The foreign investments in the country have increased significantly, said the minister, adding that his country overcame the global economic crisis thanks to its sound banking system.

“Our financial indicators managed to remain balanced during the global economic crisis,” he said. “Our inflation rate has been under 3 percent for the past seven years.” 

Speaking at the same event, Montenegro’s Deputy Prime Minister Vujica Lazovic said that his country was an EU candidate, and prioritized the integration process. 

“There are important opportunities for investors in Montenegro, said Lazovic, adding that although his country was a young one, it had gained a significant economic experience in recent years. “We grew 2.5 percent during the 2009 economic crisis, and 3.2 percent in 2011,” he said.

Jordan’s Senate President Taher Masri, for his part, said that the country was watching the Turkish economy with pride. “There are winners and losers in economic aspects, and Turkey is among the winners,” said Masri.