Letter to Editor

Letter to Editor

Mr. Editor-in-Chief,

The picture and accompanying headline, “Deal brings more disgrace to crisis-hit Greece,” on the front page of Feb. 22’s Hürriyet Daily News is in itself a disgrace.

It is a disgrace because it is a direct insult to Greece’s Prime Minister and the government he serves; a government that has exhibited clear and great determination to put the country on the track to recovery, through very painful measures and drastic structural reforms.

It is a disgrace because it trivializes the resolve of an economically embattled country – of a government and a people – to make whatever sacrifices necessary to regain their credibility with their allies and partners.

Finally, it is a disgrace because it slanderously distorts the reality of the situation, which is that Greece, with the help of its partners, is conducting itself honorably – fulfilling its obligations – in the face of all-but-overwhelming circumstances affecting not just Greece, but the entire European Union. 

Fotis Xydas 

Ambassador of Greece