Lawyer demands warning before Noah screening over religious concerns

Lawyer demands warning before Noah screening over religious concerns

Lawyer demands warning before Noah screening over religious concernsLawyer demands warning before Noah screening over religious concerns A lawyer in Istanbul has filed a complaint about Russell Crowe’s latest movie Noah, demanding that a warning be displayed before its screening to clarify that the movie is not related to the prophet mentioned in the Quran.

Lawyer Yusuf Erikel reportedly stated in his petition that the movie is “against religious beliefs” and “offends the Prophet Noah.”

According to Erikel, the warning should state that the movie is completely the scriptwriter’s fiction and that the character of Noah, as well as the incidents in the movie, has no relation to either Islam or the real prophet named in the Quran.

The Culture Ministry and the company that holds the movie’s publishing rights are named as the “opposition side” in the interlocutory injunction demand.

Much of the Muslim world, including the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Malaysia and Indonesia, have banned the movie, finding it “un-Islamic” because of its visual depiction of the Prophet Noah.