Kutlar’s holy places in Rome exhibition

Kutlar’s holy places in Rome exhibition

ROME - Doğan News Agency

Theater actress and photographer Filiz Kutlar poses in the opening of the exhibition. DHA photo

Turkish theater actress and photographer Filiz Kutlar opened an exhibition titled “Holy and Magic Places” Nov. 26 in Rome, featuring the photographs that she has taken all around the world.

“There was a common feature among billions of people in the world. Even though their religion, sect and chapels were different, all of them were seeking peace. Their view on life really affected me,” Kutlar said.

Displaying 37 photographs taken especially in religious and holy places in Turkey, Thailand, Mexico, Italy, Syria, Columbia, India, Laos, Indonesia, Peru and Venezuela, the exhibition presents various religions.

The Istanbul City Theaters actress Kutlar said she had observed different countries and different cultures during her visits to many parts of the world. “I wanted to immortalize them with my photos. The people of those countries have also left their traces in my heart,” she said.

The exhibition will remain open until Dec. 4 and was organized with the support of Turkey’s Embassy in Cancelleria, a Vatican palace