Knidos, center of culture, arts and trade, ready for new term

Knidos, center of culture, arts and trade, ready for new term


Known for its special location at the junction of the Aegean and the Mediterranean regions and had been home to many famous scientists in the past, the 2,600-year-old Knidos ancient city in Datça will again take its visitors on a history journey.

The city, famous for its two ancient theaters and two harbors, which are rushed by thousands of local and foreign tourists every year, reopened its doors to visitors by taking necessary measures against the new type of coronavirus. Those who don’t wear masks are not allowed to enter the ancient city.

The head of Knidos excavations and Selçuk University Faculty of Letters, archeology department Professor Ertekin Doksanaltı said that they were carrying out important works to revive the ancient city.

Doksanaltı, who emphasized that Knidos had been the focus of many travelers, and visitors since the ancient ages, said, “Since Knidos is at the intersection of the Aegean and the Mediterranean, it is a protected area. The vegetation, mountainous and hilly structure of the city, which is a peninsula, offers a unique view at many points. Thanks to this geographical feature, the city has two harbors between the island and the mainland.”

With the sheltered structure of the commercial port and the strategic position that dominates the trade routes, Doksanaltı said that Knidos had been the savior of sailors since ancient times.

‘It made history by pioneering the firsts’

Mentioning that Knidos was also an art and culture city, Doksanaltı continued as follows: “Knidos was an important culture, art and trade center during the ancient period. Famous astronomer, mathematician and philosopher Eudoxus, sculptor Praxiteles, who made the Aphrodite Statue, doctor Euryphon, famous painter Polygnotos and architect of the Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt, one of the seven wonders of the world, are famous names who lived in Knidos. These figures also contributed greatly to the advancement of the city’s history.”

Doksanaltı draws attention to the fact that Knidos, which developed itself in many fields, made history by pioneering the firsts, and added, “It was one of the modern cities of its era thanks to the judges, who provided justice and peace. The first examples of democracy were seen in the city. It has reached a very wide geography with olive, olive oil, wine, terracotta containers, and has provided a wide trade network between regions.”

Stating that Knidos was home to many civilizations with its history and geography, Doksanaltı noted that this place was one of the developed cities dating back to ancient times.