Kılıçdaroğlu’s wife visits Uludere victims

Kılıçdaroğlu’s wife visits Uludere victims

ŞIRNAK - Doğan News Agency

Selvi Kılıçdaroğlu (R) came together with the victims’ families in Uludere. DHA photo

Republican People’s Party leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’s wife Selvi Kılıçdaroğlu visited the eastern province of Şırnak’s Uludere district, where 34 people were killed in December 2011 as a result of a military air raid.

Kılıçdaroğlu visited the victim’s graves and then met with the relatives of the dead, giving them condolences.

“This is the place where words are not enough. There is nothing we can say to these people. We will be following this case. We cannot console them. It is up to the government to find the responsible parties in this case,” she said. CHP deputy chair Birgül Ayman Güler, Tekirdağ deputy Candan Yüceer, and other party officials also accompanied Kılıçdaroğlu in her trip.

One of the victims’ mothers, Mercan Encü, has said the perpetrators of the crime were not unknown.
“We do not want any compensation. We want the murderers of our children to be found. The Parliament Human Rights commission came here but what was done? Today is Mother’s Day but our children are in graves,” she said. A group of deputies from each party represented in the Parliament visited Gülyazı village, the site of the attack, in February. PM Tayyip Erdoğan’s wife Emine Erdoğan visited the relatives of the victims on March 8.