Kangals, Van cats to be allowed to take out of country

Turkish Agriculture and Forestry Ministry has announced new conditions to take dogs and cats out of the country on July 27, allowing owners to leave the country with some special breeds that were prohibited until now.
According to new conditions, owners will have ID cards of the pets that they want to take abroad. The ID cards will show the pet’s medical data and its description and also the owner’s personal and address information.
Until now, it was prohibited to take some special dog breeds, such as the Kangals, Akbaş and Kars shepherd dogs and Zağar sniffers, as well as the Ankara and Van cats out of the country.
With the new conditions, owners of such breeds will be able to take them abroad with special permission taken from the provincial directorates of agriculture and forestry.
Taking kittens and puppies less than 3 months old abroad alone will also be banned. Newborns will only be permitted to leave the country together with their mothers.