Jailed businessman and activist Osman Kavala says he hopes justice will prevail sooner or later

Jailed businessman and activist Osman Kavala says he hopes justice will prevail sooner or later


Osman Kavala, an imprisoned Turkish businessman and civil society activist, has voiced his anticipation that “justice will prevail sooner or later” in his comments on the arrest.

In a message conveyed through his lawyers, Kavala acknowledged messages of support from the country and abroad.

“Messages of support coming from the world and across Turkey is very precious for me. I want to send my compliments to everyone. I also thank political actors who stood by me from the beginning of the process and conveyed their good wishes. I do not find it right to make a comment due to the confidentiality order on the investigation. I hope that justice will prevail sooner or later,” Kavala said in his message.

Kavala was arrested on Nov. 1 on terror charges and is the chairman of the NGO Anadolu Kültür (Anatolian Culture), which focuses on cultural collaboration with Europe. He is also the co-founder of the İletişim Publishing House. 

He is charged with “attempting to abolish the constitutional order” and “attempting to remove the government of the Turkish Republic” through alleged links to July 15, 2016 coup attempt and the December 2013 corruption probes targeting senior government figures. He is also accused of being one of the “managers and organizers” of the 2013 anti-government Gezi Park protests.