İzmir Opera and Ballet opens Bosnian festival

İzmir Opera and Ballet opens Bosnian festival

IZMIR - Hürriyet Daily News

The İzmir State Opera and Ballet performed ‘Othello’ in the opeing of the festival. AP photo

The Third Sarajevo Ballet Festival opened in Bosnia-Herzegovina’s capital of Sarajevo on Sept. 20 with a performance of “Othello” by the İzmir State Opera and Ballet’s 33-member group. The performance was choreographed by Uğur Seyrek.

The İzmir State Opera and Ballet soloist Aytül Büyüksaraç said that they had been invited to the festival upon invitation by the Sarajevo Public Theater.

Aside from Turkey, ballet dancers from Serbia, Macedonia, Ukraine and Bosnia-Herzegovina joined in the inauguration of the festival.

Despite Bosnia’s sour economy and the financial constraints on most of the country’s cultural institutions, the festival’s organizers insist they will fight to keep it alive, including by attracting audiences with their program and by inviting interesting guests from the Balkans and further afield.
This year’s festival will continue until Sept. 27.