İYİ Party leader criticizes proposed tax regulation

İYİ Party leader criticizes proposed tax regulation


İYİ (Good) Party leader Müsavat Dervişoğlu has criticized the government's economic policies, focusing on a reported upcoming tax regulation.

"You can neither generate revenue for the treasury nor save money in the public sector by riding on the backs of our nation and coveting what is in their pockets and throats," Dervişoğlu said during a parliamentary meeting on June 26.

His remarks followed media reports suggesting that a new regulation, the details of which remain unclear, would introduce various new taxes.

"How do you plan to end the economic crisis that our nation is experiencing to the bone by ruthlessly imposing more taxes?" he asked. "The only person who should save money in this country is [President Recep Tayyip] Erdoğan."

Dervişoğlu also targeted Treasury and Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek, labeling him a "taxmatic" in response to the draft regulations.

Meanwhile, ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) spokesperson Ömer Çelik addressed the issue the day before following a high-level party meeting.

"Most of the statements like 'there will be taxes here and there' are speculative," he said. "These are efforts to ensure tax justice."

Dervişoğlu also raised concerns about a potential increase in the fee for leaving the country, which could rise from 150 Turkish Liras to 1,500 liras.

"Where will the 12.5 billion liras, which is assumed to be obtained with this regulation, be used? Will it be spent on pensioners, the unemployed, that is, our nation? Or will it be distributed to your insatiable cronies?" he stated.