Iraqi Shia groups unite for expulsion of US forces

Iraqi Shia groups unite for expulsion of US forces

BAGHDAD-Anadolu Agency

Representatives of Iraqi Shia groups have decided to unite to expel U.S. forces from Iraq, a spokesman for one of them said on Jan. 14.

The decision to "unite and coordinate forces" was taken to fully liberate Iraq from U.S. forces, Nasr al-Shammari, from the Al Nujaba Movement, told Iraq's official news agency INA.

Al-Shammari said Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr met with the representatives of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, the Sayyid al-Shuhada Brigades, the Nujaba Movement and Saraya al-Salam (the Peace Companies) in Iran's northwestern city of Qom.

Iraqi Shia organizations "gave the opportunity” to the Iraqi government and parliament to diplomatically expel foreign forces from the country, he added.

Iraq's parliament voted Jan. 5 on a motion to expel U.S. troops.

In an extraordinary session, lawmakers unanimously decided to demand U.S. and foreign troops leave the country.

The move came after Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps' elite Quds Force, was assassinated in a U.S. drone strike on Jan. 3 outside Baghdad International Airport in Iraq.