Iran's Pezeshkian lauds Türkiye ties, announcing visit 'soon'

Iran's Pezeshkian lauds Türkiye ties, announcing visit 'soon'


Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian on Monday lauded the relationship between his country and neighboring Türkiye as "friendly and brotherly," while announcing that he will visit Türkiye "soon."

Speaking at his first press conference since assuming office, Pezeshkian emphasized the importance of Türkiye as a cooperative partner, as reported by the Iranian state news agency IRNA.

He outlined plans for his government to embark on joint investment programs with Türkiye, reinforcing the ties between the two nations.

Pezeshkian announced his intention to visit Türkiye soon, with the goal to further enhance bilateral relations.

"Our beliefs, culture, and values are intertwined. Türkiye can reach Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkmenistan via the Iranian line. I will definitely visit Türkiye, and we will invite Turkish officials, investors, and academics to Iran,” he said.

Asked about the obstacles to abolishing the borders between Iran and its neighbors by drawing on the experience of the European Union, Pezeshkian said, “I have always thought, why can't we Muslims act in a way that others envy us? Why should there be borders between us?"

"They have their own government and sovereignty, as do we. So why can't people in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, and Iran take the train to Najaf, Medina, Mecca, and Istanbul?" he asked.

Pezeshkian, 69, was inaugurated on July 31, in a ceremony attended by top government officials and dignitaries from over 70 countries.

Last week, he made his first foreign visit as president to Iraq.