Iranian long vehicle hits Turkish car: 6 dead

Iranian long vehicle hits Turkish car: 6 dead

AĞRI – Doğan News Agency

The Iranian long vehicle, carrying plastic material, overturned. DHA Photo

Six members of a family were killed in an accident in the eastern province of Ağrı’s Doğubeyazıt district Aug. 25 when their car crashed into an Iranian-plated long vehicle.

The family’s car, a light commercial vehicle, was almost smashed while the long vehicle, which was loaded with plastic raw material, overturned in the accident.

The family’s father Mehmet Salih Eskin, mother Medine Keskin and four of their five children, Ronahi, 15, Havin, 14, Berivan, 11, and Leyla, 9, died at the accident scene. Only seven-year-old member of the family Fatma survived the accident with injuries.

The road where the accident took place was closed to the traffic stream all night long after the accident.

The Iranian-plated vehicle driver’s identity or nationality was not revealed but two other Iranian citizens in the car were hospitalized.