Iran unveils six-point peace plan for Syria

Iran unveils six-point peace plan for Syria


Syrian rebels remove a poster of Syria’s President Bashar Al-Assad in Halfaya. Tehran’s six-point plan aims to solve the Syrian crisis. REUTERS photo

Iran’s Foreign Ministry released on Dec. 16 a six-point plan to resolve the ongoing crisis in Syria.
The plan calls the Syrian “government and all armed groups [to] immediately end all their military activities.”

It also reads the “provision of humanitarian aid must immediately begin to all conflict-stricken areas,” with all sanctions against Syria lifted and preparations made for all refugees to return to their country.Thirdly, a committee for national reconciliation should urgently be formed, plan said. “This dialogue must provide the way for the formation of a transitional government on which there is consensus. The main obligation of this government is the holding of free and competitive elections for the formation of a new Parliament, the formation of an Assembly of Experts for the formulation of a Constitution and the holding of presidential elections that will be set for a fixed date.” Also, all political prisoners from all sides should be released, according to the plan. “Incorrect news transmission regarding changes in Syria must end as soon as possible,” read the fifth article of the plan.

Finally, a committee estimating the cost of damages and reconstruction must be formed, according to the plan.