Insurance regulatory agency calls for measures to aid disabled

Insurance regulatory agency calls for measures to aid disabled


The Insurance and Private Pensions Regulation and Supervision Agency (SEDDK) has taken a step towards enhancing accessibility for persons with disabilities in the realm of insurance and pension services.

The regulatory body has requested that companies adopt the use of embossed Braille alphabet and sign language translation to better cater to this demographic.

Citing the provisions outlined in the Law on the Disabled, SEDDK underscored the importance of ensuring equality and eliminating discrimination through reasonable accommodations. The law dictates that adequate measures must be taken to facilitate the integration of persons with disabilities, particularly in information services and communication technologies.

In an effort to support those with hearing impairments, SEDDK has also urged the establishment of video call centers equipped to serve in sign language. Additionally, the agency advocates for the widespread utilization of applications that offer sign language interpretation services during video calls.

SEDDK has expressed the need for these disability-friendly services to be accessible around the clock, indicating that companies may even consider outsourcing specialized services in addition to utilizing their own personnel.

Highlighting the far-reaching implications of making insurance and private pension services accessible to individuals with disabilities, SEDDK emphasized that this move not only eases their access to financial products but also facilitates their seamless integration into social life.