Inspiring story of mini-satellite becomes ‘documentary’

Inspiring story of mini-satellite becomes ‘documentary’

Inspiring story of mini-satellite becomes ‘documentary’Inspiring story of mini-satellite becomes ‘documentary’

The story of Grizu-263A, Turkey’s first mini-satellite that was sent into space recently, has been made into a documentary film.

The film tells the story of the production process of the mini satellite, which was launched with the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Base in the U.S. on Jan. 13.

Salih Cem Oral, the general manager of Erdemir, one of the sponsors of the satellite-production team consisting of students and academics from Bülent Ecevit University in the northern province of Zonguldak, team captains Muzaffer Duysal and Çağla Aytaç Dursun, and academic advisors Bülent Ekmekçi and Umut Yıldız also appear with their views in the movie.

The film can be accessed through OYAK Mining Metallurgy’s social media accounts.

Located on a low earth orbit of 525 kilometers to operate for four years and eight months, the mission of the mini-satellite will be to take photos of the earth.

The Grizu-263 Space Team has been known for its efforts on space and satellite technologies.

Named after a firedamp (“grizu” in Turkish) explosion that killed 263 miners in the Kozlu district in 1992, the Grizu-263 has been working on the mini-satellite for the last five years.