Industrial zones to be set up outside quake-prone areas

The government’s 2025 draft budget foresees several actions to protect the country’s industrial infrastructure against earthquakes.
As part of those measures, industrial zones, organized industrial zones and small industrial sites will be created in a sustainable manner to ensure access to raw materials, logistics and energy with proper rail and port connectivity.
In order to reduce density in high natural disaster risk areas, especially in the Marmara Region, new industrial development areas and logistics lines will be established.
Sectoral resilience strategies will be developed to address risks such as disasters, epidemics, geopolitical developments and migrations that may disrupt the supply chain, according to the draft budget.
The government also vows to speed up the implementation of urban transformation projects in cooperation with local governments, particularly in Istanbul, to ensure access to safe and adequate housing.
The draft budget also states that priority will be given to regions with high disaster risk in developing social housing projects.
The government also pledges to improve technical and human resource capacity to respond to disasters and emergencies and complete the establishment of a secure communication system infrastructure.