‘In Bloom’ by Pelin Kırca at Dirimart

‘In Bloom’ by Pelin Kırca at Dirimart

“In Bloom,” the first solo exhibition by Pelin Kırca, opens June 11 at Istanbul’s Dirimart Gallery. Selections of the artist’s latest works will be featured in the exhibition. 

Beyond being a product of imagination, the world manifested by the artist through the drawings created on paper with water color and colored ink involve multilayered questions and premises on nature and its components. The artist employs the white surface of the paper not as a supporting or surrounding element; white is an essential part of her work, it is a rigid light on the scene she expresses, a plane of glare. We have to call out an optical mechanism, independent from one another: the glare provided by white exists in the positioning of forms and figures. We are required to view this world in a half awake-half asleep state. 

About the artist 

Born in 1982, Kırca got her MFA in 2007 from the design department of the New York School of Visual Arts. 

Her works have been presented in group exhibitions in Turkey, the U.S., Italy, France, Spain, Japan, Switzerland and Portugal. Among her significant group exhibitions were “NEVGENERATION: Amusement Park” and “WonderWomen” at Gallery Katherine E. Nash, Minneapolis. Her drawings have been published in many international magazines, including Colors. 

Kırca has taken part in a number of film festivals, including Vienna Independent Shorts, Chicago Underground, Akbank, Lucca, International Filmmor Women Festival on Wheels, Manifest, and !F Istanbul, with her two short animated films titled “Memento Mori” and “Reconstructing Mayakovsky.”

After “In Bloom,” her most recent book, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” is the artist’s upcoming project.

The exhibition can be visited until July 11.