'I'm a terrorist' retired general says in court

'I'm a terrorist' retired general says in court


file picture dated 14 February 2011 shows retired General Cetin Dogan (L) speaking to the media before surrendering himself at a courthouse in Istanbul, Turkey. EPA Photo

Retired First Army Cmdr. Gen. Çetin Doğan has responded to questions on his occupations by stating ironically that he is a terrorist, daily Akşam reported.
When asked "What is your occupation?" Doğan told members of the court that he was a terrorist.
"Don't you know that I'm a retired general?" Doğan added immediately afterward.
The court records stated that he had "announced his occupation as a terrorist first, and afterwards said that such a question should not be directed at him, considering that it is known he is a retired general."
The use of the word “terrorist” regarding the suspects in the “Balyoz” (Sledgehammer) case has been a controversial point of debate during the hearings.
Over 300 soldiers were sentenced to long jail terms on Sept. 21 in the case. The convicted soldiers include Doğan, retired Air Force Cmdr. Gen. İbrahim Fırtına and retired Navy Cmdr. Adm. Özden Örnek, who were each sentenced to 20 years in prison for drawing up the reported coup plans after taking part in an army seminar in 2003.