Iconic works of Andreas Gursky go under hammer

Iconic works of Andreas Gursky go under hammer

ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

Works such as The Chicago Board of Trade, Tokyo Stock Exchange and Kuwait Stock Exchange are depicted with Gursky’s God’s-eye perspective.

Sotheby’s London is preparing to offer a collection of five iconic depictions of international stock exchanges by the legendary photography artist Andreas Gursky. These monumental and dynamic images, with a combined estimated worth of £2.5-3.4 million, represent one of the most arresting metaphors for the socioeconomic topography of our age. Initiated in 1990, and revisited throughout Gursky’s career, this seminal series represents a technical and conceptual watershed. These works may be the most significant symbols of Gursky’s.

The works and photographs such as The Chicago Board of Trade, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Tokyo Stock Exchange and Kuwait Stock Exchange are depicted with Gursky’s God’s-eye perspective. This group of works is perceived as the most significant comprehensive collection in public or private hands. The written statement sent by Sotheby’s also mentioned that visitors to the Sotheby’s exhibition, prior to the sale, would have the opportunity of seeing the largest group of works from the Stock Exchange. This will be the first time that this series has ever been shown together, said the Sotheby’s statement.

“This is a landmark collection and undoubtedly the most important group of works by Andreas Gursky to ever come to market,” said Oliver Barker, Sotheby’s Deputy Chairman and Senior International Specialist for Contemporary Art, speaking about the exhibition and the sale.

“Sotheby’s holds the auction record for a Gursky Stock Exchange and with examples of the series held by leading institutions including MoMA and the Tate, we anticipate enormous interest in these works,” Barker added.

Noting that the works of Gursky are not only fresh to the market, Barker said they also represented the apotheosis of Gursky’s technique and trademark subject.

“Standing before these epic works one is literally engulfed by the overwhelming spectacle, power and dynamism of the stock exchanges and their trading floors,” he added.