İbrahim Tatlıses Museum to reflect music culture

İbrahim Tatlıses Museum to reflect music culture

ŞANLIURFA - Anadolu Agency

The İbrahim Tatlıses Museum tells the story of the artists and their music. AA photo

Şanlıurfa’s İbrahim Tatlıses Music Museum reflects the musical culture of the city. The museum opened in Yasin Coffee house in Harrankapı which was restored three years ago. There are many artists and musicians that have affected the artistic and musical life of Urfa. The museum contains photographs of the deceased and living musicians of Şanlıurfa. The photographs of musicians such as İbrahim Tatlıses and Kazancı Bedih, who have influenced the culture of Urfa, are at the museum.

The museum tells the story of the artists and their music with writings and music. Speaking to Anadolu Agency, museum representative İsmail Kürkçüoğlu said they aimed to reflect the musical culture through the museum. Noting that they were working to develop the museum, Kürkçüoğlu said lots of works had been donated to the museum by the artists. There are vinyl, cassettes, cassette players, old radios, he said.

“Tourists who come to our city visit the museum. With the closing of the schools for summer the visitor numbers have increased,” Kürkçüoğlu added. It is also possible to gain information on the musical culture of Şanlıurfa, he added.