Humans, animals need same affection, says Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate

Humans, animals need same affection, says Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate

The Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) has issued a statement addressing violence against animals after a number of videos spread on social media, saying there is no difference between humans and animals in terms of affection they deserve,  Anadolu Agency has reported.

The Diyanet said on Feb. 6 that every animal was a precious work of God and was entrusted to humans, describing violence against animals as an offense to Islamic morality.

“According to Islam, there is a much deeper meaning of animal rights. The qualities of animals, like other creatures, are proof of the existence of God. Relations between humans and animals should be considered with an experienced vision rather than a pragmatic approach,” it stated.

The Diyanet also stated that harming animals is against Islamic morality, recalling the words of the Prophet Muhammad.

“No animal was created just for the physical needs of humans like nourishment, clothing or sheltering. No animal is just tool of benefits that are voiceless or speechless, neither are they just random objects that belonged to human. In fact, animals are entrusted to humans by God, who is the owner of everything living,” it added.