Historic Edirne Palace dock set to be unearthed

Historic Edirne Palace dock set to be unearthed


The dock of Edirne Palace, constructed by Ottoman Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror in 1452 along the Tunca River, is set to be unearthed.

Renovations of Edirne Palace, overseen by the National Palaces Department, continue as part of broader restoration efforts. As part of this work, excavation is also underway along the Tunca River, where the palace dock is located.

The Fatih Bridge branch of the river, which splits it into two, is closed for excavation.

The initial phase of the project aims to uncover the palace’s original dock, as well as marble structures along the riverbed.

Construction of the dock began after the Fatih Bridge was built across the Tunca River in 1452, during Sultan Mehmet’s reign. Marble was laid along the riverbed, extending towards Saraçhane Bridge.

Later, during the reign of Sultan Beyazid II, additional work was done to extend the Tunca River allowing for both boat transport from the palace to the nearby Beyazid II Mosque.

When Sultan Ahmet I spent the winter in Edirne in 1613, he used the dock for trips along the river, bringing boats from Istanbul for the occasion.