Highest-earning writers announced

Highest-earning writers announced

ISTANBUL - Anatolia News Agency

Writer Ayşe Kulin published three books in 2011 with over 100,000 sales.

Forbes has announced its list of the highest-earning writers in Turkey in 2011. The top three highest earners are Ayşe Kulin, Elif Şafak and İskender Pala.

Kulin published three books in 2011 with over 100,000 sales, reaping 8 million Turkish liras in total and earning her 1.6 million Turkish liras in royalty fees.

Kulin published “40 Years at my Life Binoculars,” “40 Years at my Melancholy Binoculars,” and “The Passenger of Secret Moments,” in 2011.

The second place in the list is held by Elif Şafak with her latest book İskender. In 2011 the book achieved 250,000 in sales and with this success earned 8 million liras and 1.6 million in royalties for the author.

İskender Pala’s books earned 6.5 million liras in total with 539,000 copies sold. Ahmet Ümit took seventh and Canan Tan eighth place in the list. Orhan Pamuk, the Nobel Laureate, took 11th place. İlber Ortaylı, Turgut Özakman, İnci Aral, Yavuz Bahadıroğlu, Reha Çamuroğlu and Kahraman Tazeoğlu also placed in the list.