High school teachers in western Turkey acquitted in ‘Game of Thrones’ case

High school teachers in western Turkey acquitted in ‘Game of Thrones’ case

Toygun Atilla – İZMİR

Four military teachers from the Maltepe Military High School in the western province of İzmir have been acquitted after they were charged for screening episodes of the TV show Games of Thrones in a classroom to help students improve their English.

The teachers faced a criminal complaint in 2011 after an unnamed letter notified officials that they were screening the series. They were subsequently charged with “exposing children to obscene content,” “insulting Turkishness” and “sexual abuse” in relation to the content of the show.

A total of 21 former students testified in favor of the teachers, who were fired from their positions after the case was opened.

Seven years after a criminal complaint was first made, an İzmir court acquitted the teachers of all charges.

“We already knew it was their work, but back then nobody listened to us. Justice has now finally been served after many years. But there is still much injustice towards many people because of judges who were members of the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization [FETÖ],” Açıkalın said.

The Gülen movement, an ally turned nemesis of the Turkish government, is widely believed to have been behind the country’s July 2016 coup attempt.