Healed sea turtles released back into natural habitat

Healed sea turtles released back into natural habitat


Five sea turtles have been released back into their natural habitat after being treated at a sea turtle medical center for nearly six months in Turkey’s southern province of Hatay’s Samandağ district.

The sprints of the endangered species into the water have been monitored by academics, students and nature conservation officials.

The full-fledged center within the body of Hatay Mustafa Kemal University (HMKÜ) treats turtles that have been wounded in shark attacks in the sea, dog attacks on the shore during spawning periods, or after getting caught up in fishnets. 

They are looked after in giant water tanks until they are fully recovered.

Noting that 22 injured sea turtles have been admitted to the center since the beginning of the year, Muhammed Enes Altuğ, the director of the center, noted that seven of them were released into the sea after they were healed and that the remaining ones are still undergoing treatment.

Stressing that one of the biggest dangers for sea turtles is environmental and marine pollution, the veterinarian also said that sea turtles that come to the beach to lay eggs are attacked by dogs.

Expressing that it is necessary to be more sensitive to prevent stray dog attacks, Altuğ noted that 12 female fertile green sea turtles were killed due to these reasons in the last three years.