Gülen-linked school to close campus in Australia

Gülen-linked school to close campus in Australia


A private school linked to the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) in Australia announced the closure of one of its six campuses due to a rise in student dropouts, an Australian daily has reported.

Adem Engin, the head of the school, confirmed Sirius College will close its Shepparton campus next month, after 100 students refused to re-enroll in its secondary college, the Shepparton News reported.

The students had dropped out after last year’s defeated coup in Turkey, the daily added.

U.S.-based Fethullah Gülen is the top suspect in cases into the defeated coup of July 2016.

The group has a large network of overseas educational and commercial interests.

Gülen-linked schools operate under the name of Sirius in southeastern Victoria state, Amity in South Wales state, Wisdom in north-eastern Queensland state, Pinnacle in South Australia, and Fountain in Western Australia.