Grandmother plays piano with Turkish pianist Fazıl Say

Grandmother plays piano with Turkish pianist Fazıl Say

ANTALYA – Doğan News Agency

Fazıl Say plays piano with his fan. DHA Photo

Famous Turkish pianist Fazıl Say has played piano with a 65-year-old fan in the Mediterranean province of Antalya, where he performed in concert June 19.

Münevver Ercan, who attended piano courses after discovering music through her grandson, went to the venue after learning Say would perform.

Ercan also gave organic eggs to Say as a gift.

Ercan, who has three children and six grandchildren, has previously conducted the Antalya State Symphonic Orchestra during one song. 

“Her interest made me happy.  I am watching her videos on Facebook.  I think that her story is a good example for others,” pianist Say said.

When Say asked about Mozart and Beethoven, Ercan said she was currently reading Beethoven’s book.